Step 1/3
Are you a U.S citizen or resident alien with a valid Social Security Number?
Do you have an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)?
Are you at least 18 years old?
Did you live in the U.S for more than 6 months in 2022?
Did you live in California for more than 6 months in 2022?
How many qualifying children do you have?
Did you have a child younger than 6 years old all of 2022?
What is your filing status?
Can you be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return?
How much income did you earn from your California jobs in 2022?
How much other income did you make in 2022?
Did you have investment income greater than $4,053 in 2022?

Your estimated cash back
California EITC
Federal EITC
Young Child Tax Credit
Note: This is an estimated report based on the information you provided in the calculator. It's possible your results will vary when you fill out your tax return. Other income or expenses not accounted for above (including, but not limited to, unemployment income, alimony and moving expenses), could change the amount of, or affect your eligibility to claim these credits.

Based on the information you provided, you may not qualify for tax credits but if you made less than $60k in 2022, you can file for free.
Note: This is an estimated report based on the information you provided in the calculator. It's possible your results will vary when you fill out your tax return. Other income or expenses not accounted for above (including, but not limited to, unemployment income, alimony and moving expenses), could change the amount of, or affect your eligibility to claim these credits.