OC Free Tax Prep is excited to announce that MyFreeTaxes is now available in Spanish!
MyFreeTaxes allows individuals to easily and accurately file their federal and state taxes for FREE using trusted and easy-to-use TaxSlayer software.
If you are comfortable using a computer and you earned less than $75,000 in 2022, it will lead you through helpful step-by-step questions to ensure you get your maximum refund! In most cases, you can complete your tax return with MyFreeTaxes within 1-2 hours!
If you need assistance and you made less than $60,000 last year, you can also get connected with an IRS-Certified Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) helper who will prepare your taxes for you. You can find a location کنید.
¿Listo para empezar? (Ready to get started?) Make sure you have all your documents ready and visit MyFreeTaxes today!