OC Free Tax Prep Testimonials

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Taxpayer Spotlight

At OC Free Tax Prep, we are proud to help families claim cash back tax credits and save on tax preparation fees. The Vazquez family and Shirley share how they plan to use their refunds and the money saved on tax preparation fees.

The Vazquez Family, Three Children
OC Free Tax Prep, A United for Financial Security program - OC Free Tax Prep Testimonials

“We have 3 children of ages: 9, 10 and 17 years old. I work as a bartender and my wife as an elementary school assistant. In these difficult times, this free tax preparation service will help us a lot, mostly with our debt payments. The reimbursement we are going to receive is going to help us pay for our credit cards and other expenses. And the best thing about this is that we will have enough money to be able to save up this year.”

Shirley, Single Mother of Three
OC Free Tax Prep, A United for Financial Security program - OC Free Tax Prep Testimonials

“My mother taught me to be very thoughtful with my finances and set aside money for rainy days,” Shirley explained. “My goal is to have two to three months of income saved in case I lose my job or to have enough to cover the cost of my car breaking down or for a medical expense. These refunds have allowed me to do that and I greatly appreciate this program and the volunteers here who walk me through the process every year.”

Filing Taxes Has Never Been Easier

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